Friday, 4 April 2014

It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to

What a lot of raised and dashed expectations in the last 2 days. On Wednesday I'm told by Warwick Hospital that both bones in my calf are broken and I need screws to hold everything in place while it mends. Get prepared for an operation on Thursday afternoon they say, and take me through the pre-op tests (one of which tells me I'm officially overweight, How can that be after all this training? I point out I have half a ton of plaster on my leg. It gets noted on my form)
On Thursday morning I can have 'breakfast' at 6 am and nothing after 10. I don't think its worth hauling myself downstairs at 6 am anyway, so thats no problem. The problem is when the hospital calls to tell me the operation won't be til Friday morning. Eat nothing after midnight. Can't say I often do. Friday morning (my birthday) at 8.45 I have the call, yes, it's all on, get things ready and we'll call back to tell you which ward to go to. I sort out my PJs and an old nightie of my mothers, just incase PJs aren't allowed. (how do I know, I don't frequent hospital beds if possible) 10 minutes later the call comes - there are no beds anywhere. Oh well, at least I can spend my birthday at home, but I am beginning to wonder how long it takes for bones to start to mend in the wrong configuration. Oh, and all this time I'm instructed to keep the ankle above the knee etc etc.

So - had a jolly enough day, yummy salad for lunch provided by Caz and eaten with Tom, Tallis and Kere joining us. Learning to move around on borrowed wheelchair which is easier than crutches.
Afternoon visit from a friend, Fiona, and supper with Roz and Harper, who brought a birthday 'cake' for a non-carb eating Granny (well, if you don't count the sugar, which I didn't)

So, thats all for now, I need to have a last drink of water and get to bed ready to go to the hospital at 7.30am. Please, please, no emergencies at Warwick hospital in the night...........................

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