Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Things just get worse

Went to the fracture clinic today. A friend who visited yesterday had suggested I expect the worst and then whatever they said would be better, but I couldn't help hoping that it'd turn out not to be such a bad prognosis, maybe they would even say I didn't need it in plaster after all. Ha! After seeing the orthopedic surgeon, having several more x-rays and a new plaster, I learnt that I have actually broken the bottom of my tibia, the top of my fibula and will need an operation to put screws in the tibia. Now I am home again (op hopefully tomorrow) having to keep my ankle higher than my knee, and my knee higher than my hip. Reminds me of 'dem bones' song. The registrar was a right joker, when I asked if I would need a general anesthetic he said they would hit me on the back of the neck and hope to finish the op before I woke up. I think it was his way of saying 'yes'. And he drew a whopping great arrow in thick black pen on my knee pointing to where the fibula is broken. Where's the artistry in that?
As we left the hospital it started to rain-usually an excuse not to go for a ride. But today I feel so wretched I'd even rather be cycling in the rain......

1 comment:

  1. Jane, I haven't been keeping up to date with this and have only just read about your disaster! I am sorry. You are so brave and fit to be planning this wonderful trip. I was going to send you more money for your trip! Keep being cheerful, its so disappointing but can't be helped. You are very fit and will recover well. Big hug from Emma and Keith


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